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Society & Culture Episodes

June 2, 2021

National DJ month

I talk about National dj month and things that can be done to observe it. I also talk about Afeican American Music Appreciation Month which is also observed in June. Nashville is home ...

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May 26, 2021

How to get out of a rut

Related to National mental health awareness month, I talk about being in a rut. I mention the ways of knowing you’re on one and what to do to get out of it. I mention the podcast of the day and invite you to follow me on ig a...

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May 23, 2021

How to become a minimalist

I discuss what minimalism is. I name 9 ways to become a minimalist and having the minimalist mindset. Please follow me on ig and fb at dreaspointofview. I am on Twitter at dreapoint and would love for you to subscribe, buy so...

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May 19, 2021

Episode 120: Sologamy and marital laws

I discuss what sologamy is and what a ceremony consists of. There are ceremonies on YouTube if you’d like to see one. I also discuss marital laws in different places. Please follow me on ig and fb at dreaspointofview I can be...

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May 16, 2021

Cinderellas and Superwomen

This episode talks about the Cinderella syndrome based off the book by Cowlette Cowling. I discuss the warning signs . I also discuss the Superwoman syndrome which first came about in 1984. Warning signs and ways to curtail t...

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May 12, 2021

Makeup and Mental Health

This episode talks about the effects of makeup on mental health. I cover some statistics on makeup .I mention my podcast of the day and invite you to follow me. Ig and fb I’m at @dreaspointofview and Twitter at @dreapoint. I ...

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May 9, 2021

The How of Happiness

In this episode i discuss a book I read from Sonia Lyubomirsky. It talks about how happiness is fleeting unless you do daily things . She is the author of the myths of Happiness as well and both books are available as audiobo...

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May 5, 2021

Episode 115: Interview w Cate from Style it Out Podcast

This episode is an interview about fashion from fellow podcast host also on the anchor app. I chose to talk about fashion for a few minutes from style coach Cate from The Style it Out Podcast. ...

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May 2, 2021

The 6 second kiss

I define the 6 second kiss. I go into the different types of kisses and what kissing does for you. Please follow me on ig and fb at dreaspointofview and dreapoint on Twitter. Make sure you subscribe and go to my website dreas...

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April 28, 2021

What’s the deal with Dr. Seuss?

I talk about the Dr Seuss controversy and the 6 books that are cancelled. I also discuss having black muppets on Sesame Street. I would love for you to follow me on dreaspointofview on fb and ig and dreapoint on Twitter. Plea...

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April 25, 2021

Only hot for me please

I talk about the benefit of cold showers. I also talk about hot showers. Please follow me on if and fb at dreaspointofview. I can be found at dreapoint on Twitter. Please go to dreaspointofview.com to support the show and lea...

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April 23, 2021

BONUS EPISODE- My movies are nominated for an Oscar

As a huge fan of the Oscars, I was happy to hear that three of the movies I saw are being nominated. Promising Young Woman which I did a review about is discussed. The movie was female directed. Nomadland with Frances Mcdorma...

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April 21, 2021

What does you hat say about you?

I talk about the different types of hat and the personality of the person that wears them. I also mention the podcast of the day. Please follow me on ig and fb at dreaspointofview and dreapoint on Twitter. Also subscribe on m...

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April 18, 2021

National stress awareness and Alcohol Awareness month

I talk about April being National stress awareness month and alcohol awareness month. The number for the Anxiety and Depression Association of America is stress awareness is 1-240–485-1001. The number for National Drug and Al...

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April 12, 2021

Episode 106: Season 3 Mansplaining

I open up a new season with the topic of mansplaining. This includes new outro music if you are listening on the Spotify platform.

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