Nov. 3, 2021

Episode 164: National stress awareness Day

Episode 164: National stress awareness Day

stress awareness day and this is national stress awareness week I think we can all relate to the topic in someway so Allow me to talk about it for a spell welcome To Drea’s point of view. I am your hostess Drea if you are a season listener than welcome back at you a first time listener than welcome you have a Great taste I am Ploor you to hit that subscribe button for me and make sure that you get that biweekly dose of Drea follow me on IG and Facebook address but if you as well as Twitter at tradewinds you could also go to my website for merchandise and join my Patreon page national stress awareness day is sponsored by the international stress management association It is a charity and talks about best practices for stress management and well-being Carol Spears is a chair person and founder who wanted to increase the Publix awareness the association plan strategies to educate people in workplaces establishes programs to help improve workplace performance from heart Disease last of sociability stress is a serious issue the day is celebrated on a Wednesday to remind people that managing stress is important I know some companies have an EAP program and other wellness programs I was at a game recently and they even promoted the well-being website or app.. some facts of national stress awareness day Our stress can't necessarily gray your hair but it can attribute to hair loss it can worsen your acne even as adults they can also impair the production of children's growth hormone in 1951 the first major annual report on stress was written And 2000 founding of the Jed foundation promoted mental health and help suicide among students what can we do to observe stress awareness day while you can do some deep breathing exercises you can pamper yourself by getting a massage or taking a longer bath than usual. go for a walk or look into a program at your job That may offer assistance or seek a therapist. whatever you choose to do make sure that you post on social media #StressAwarenessDay. Intro from Nikkos__Ramone and Outro from @lifeofloganpod. --- Send in a voice message:

Thank you for listening .


Transcription created on Oct 25, 2021 at 5:10:42 PM

Did you know that the first Wednesday in November is national stress awareness day and this is national stress awareness week I think we can all relate to the topic in someway so Allow me to talk about it for a spell
 welcome To Drea’s point of view. I am your hostess Drea if you are a season listener than welcome back at you a first time listener than welcome you have a Great taste I am Ploor you to hit that subscribe button for me and make sure that you get that biweekly dose of Drea follow me on IG and Facebook at dreaspointofview as well as Twitter at Drea point.  you could also go to my website for merchandise and join my Patreon page 
national stress awareness day is sponsored by the international stress management association It is a charity and talks about best practices for stress management and well-being Carol Spears is a chair person and founder who wanted to increase the Publix awareness the association plan strategies to educate people in workplaces establishes programs to help improve workplace performance from heart Disease last of sociability stress is a serious issue the day is celebrated on a Wednesday to remind people that managing stress is important I know some companies have an EAP program and other wellness programs I was at a game recently and they even promoted the well-being website or app..
some facts of national stress awareness day Our stress can't necessarily gray your hair but it can attribute to hair loss it can worsen your acne even as adults they can also impair the production of children's growth hormone in 1951 the first major annual report on stress was written And 2000 founding of the Jed foundation promoted mental health and help suicide among students what can we do to observe stress awareness day while you can do some deep breathing exercises you can pamper yourself by getting a massage or taking a longer bath than usual.  go for a walk or look into a program at your job That may offer assistance or seek a therapist. 
 whatever you choose to do make sure that you posted on social media #StressAwarenessDayJustMakeSureThatYouFindWaysToManageYourStressAndDon'tJustWalkAroundWithThatThisHasBeenMyPointOfYouMyQuoteOfTheDayComesFromSingerDemiLovatoAndSheSaysNoMatter What you're going through there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to where you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things until next time stay safe and let's take care of one another