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Feb. 5, 2023

Episode 326: The Art of Communication

Episode 326: The Art of Communication
This episode is based on an article in Psychology Today about communicstion. Intro and outro @nikkos ramone Recorded and edited @mzoundz. Subscribe to the show & leave a review. Communication is an art. I read an article that talks about verbal and nonverbal communication. Sometimes it's not just what you say but is what you don't say That is just as important. Welcome to Drea's point of view. I am your hostess, Drea, and I would like to extend an invitation for you to follow the show. @Drea'spointofview on Pinterest, clubhouse, IG, and Facebook. If you're a Twitter person and you can find me there @Dreapoint, verbally expanding your vocabulary draws people in. Sometimes it does because I met a guy once who sounded like he was speaking another language, and people tend to judge you based on your vocabulary, like your level of education. Most people use that with more educated groups. Shucking your tone, making sure you don't sound monotone, helps people follow along. For sure. Watching your pace helps. If you're a fast talker, people will lose interest and I'll definitely lose interest if you're talking too slow. People judge you by your words. Words have power. Using slang or slurs is something to avoid depending on your audience. Showing emotion is a way to communicate If you're angry, it shows how serious you are and if you're crying, it can show how passionate you are about something. If you're laughing, it can show your fun side. There are non-verbal ways to communicate as well. Talking with your hands is very effective. Recording yourself speaking is a way to see what your hands are doing. Your eyes speak volumes as well. There is nothing like talking to someone who isn't even looking at you. It shows disinterest, not to mention rudeness, so make sure you make eye contact with someone and let them know that they are important. Using your arms or not using your arms is a non-verbal way. You are closed off when your arms are crossed. Some people do this without even realizing. Some people have a knack to own the room and are not only a good talker, but a great listener as well. Being a great listener is crucial. People are more open to listen if they believe people are listening to them. Give people something they can take away from the conversation. This really matters when you have to correct someone. When you're in a group, keep your answer simple. I've learned that no one likes a long answer because they lose interest. I know I do. Keep it short and sweet. Getting right to the meat of it. You'll be remembered more for that. Don't be the person that needs to answer everything. I hate this type of person. Only chime in when you have something important to say, or better yet when you're spoken, to prepare what you have to say ahead of time. Most of us hate public speaking, so sorting out what you have to say. Using bullet points or an index card are very helpful, makes you look less unprepared and saves a little embarrassment. And lastly, smile. That helps brighten up any conversation and people are more apt to talk to you. The quote of the day comes from Buddha. "Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people who will hear them and be influenced by them for good or Ill." Please don't forget to hit that subscribe button for me so that you aren't missing any of my episodes. And also, take note that I do have a YouTube channel as well. @Drea'spointofview, I don't wanna change your view on things. I just want you to see things from Drea's point of view. Thanks so much for listening. Let’s Connect Twitter: https://twitter.com/DreaPoint Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063549548100 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreaspointofview More products Check out my merchandise at: https://www.theedreaspointofview.com/ --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/dreaspointofview/message

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