I give my opinion on the two tragedies the cities experienced. I list ways you can help both destinations. Intro and outro @fiverr. Please leave a review or buy some merch at www.theedreaspointofview.com. Sign up for my weekl...
This episode defines this syndrome and how to handle someone with it. Info retrieved from www.healthline.com from Crystal Raypole. Recorded and edited @mzoundz. Intro and outro from @fiverr. The show can be found on ig, pinte...
This episode talks about the Hollywood Walk of Fame process and experience for those interested on attending a ceremony. Info retrieved from www.thewalkoffame.com Intro and outro from Fuad M. Recorded and edited @mzoundz. You...
This episode discusses ways to release the clutter that can get in your thoughts. Info is from www.forbes.com by Norma Nazish. Intro and Outro from Fuad M. Recorded and edited @mzoundz. Please follow the show on X and Spill ...
In this episode, I discuss why I love solo travel. Info from this episode found on www.getyourguide.com and www.theflashpacker.net Intro and outro from Fuad M @fiverr. Recorded and edited @mzoundz. Follow the show @dreapoin...
For this episode, I review the Espy Awards that aired in Los Angeles this year. Intro and outro @fiverr. Edited and Recorded @mzoundz. Follow the show @dreapoint on spill and x. Follow the show @dreaspoinofview on fb Follow t...
In my season 8 premiere, I discuss what I've been doing during my hiatus. I thank @OTR_Mike for giving me the idea for this episode. I give my thoughts on ageism. Please follow the show on X and spill @dreapoint. Follow on i...
The incomparable Mike from Open Mike with OTR Mike_ takes over my show for a special Father’s Day episode. This is a preseason opener for season 8. Please follow him on ig @otrmike_and on ig @ringkingspod. Follow my show on t...